Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I have to pay for job listings?

A: Nope, it’s a free service, though do keep in mind there’s just one-two folks behind this blog (depending on the time of year). Updates are posted weekly, but delays sometime occur during busy university periods/travelling.

Q: I’m new to Ireland, and looking for work in the arts. What would you suggest?

A: Do keep an eye on the jobs page here, and also the jobs pages for artform-specific resource organizations (Theatre Forum, Visual Artists Ireland, Journal of Music etc.) Consider volunteering, or doing an internship to learn more about Irish arts organizations, and to build your network. Festivals are also a great way to get work experience — lots to do, and there’s hundreds of them in Ireland! Ask arts professionals out for a cup of coffee & chat — Ireland is a small place (and the arts sector even smaller!), and most folks are more than happy to share their experience and advice with you.

Q: I seem to be stuck in an internship rut: I’ve done so many, and still can’t land a job! Help!

A: Finding a job in the arts is never easy. If you find yourself jumping from internship to internship, you might consider a few possibilities:

  1. Is there a further qualification you can obtain that will strengthen your applications? That might be an MA degree with us or one of the other institutes of higher education in Ireland (see below), or a diploma or short course in digital media, marketing, event management, etc. (offered by FAS, many of the ITs across the country).
  2. Ask for feedback on your performance, both in job interviews and following internships. Take the advice you receive to heart, and remember that it takes persistence and patience to forge an arts career.
  3. Consider combining an arts internship with paid work in a parallel field (IT, office administration, marketing, etc.) that will help you with further job applications.
  4. Do it yourself. Arts careers themselves have changed tremendously: no longer is it the case that most folks enter permanent, publicly funded positions. Consider working freelance, or combining part-time positions, or starting up your own organization. The Culture Professionals Network blog at the Guardian newspaper (UK) has lots of excellent articles and advice on career possibilities and inspiration (unfortunately it’s recently been shuttered, but the archived material is still very useful!)
  5. Keep the passion going. Why do you want to work in the arts in the first place? For many people, it’s a passion and commitment to arts and cultural activity that fuels and feeds them. Whether it’s playing music, writing plays, producing shows, creating websites, blogging reviews, whatever — keep your own creative juices flowing, meet people, and make art.

Q: Do you get paid to do this?

A: Nope. I don’t accept ads either. I started this blog as a way of sharing the opportunities, news and events that I receive as part of UCD’s faculty (I’m Associate Professor in art history and arts management). This isn’t an ‘official’ UCD blog, it’s my own personal take on the arts sector, and I hope the resources here are useful to students and professionals. Sometimes the updates go a bit quiet (usually when I’m snowed under with university matters or my own research!) but I try to keep the jobs as consistently refreshed as I possibly can.

Q: Will you advertise my event for me?

A: Maybe. I don’t run an event listings service (there are plenty out there!) but I do like to highlight different events, exhibits and gigs from time to time that catch my eye. I always highlight conferences or other opportunities specifically aimed at arts managers. Feel free however to send me your press release or other info (although please don’t add me to regular mailing lists unless requested! Thanks).

Q: Does UCD offer the MA part-time? What other higher-ed options are there?

A: We do have some flexible learning options, that involve undertaking the MA part-time over two years, as well as pursuing a diploma qualification  — contact us for more details. Otherwise, UCD’s MA is a full-time, 1 year programme with an on-campus commitment is Sept-Dec, and Jan-March only. It’s an extremely popular programme and over-subscribed, so do get in touch early to enquire about the next year’s intake.

Other programmes in arts management and related fields in Ireland and Northern Ireland (both part-time & full-time) include:

Q: What’s that pic in your header?

A: It’s a public sculpture called Tearmann na Gaoithe at Kilcummin, Lacken, Co. Mayo – part of the North Mayo Sculpture Trail.

7 thoughts on “FAQ

  1. niamhharnett says:

    Hi, I’ve found your blog really helpful in considering a return to Ireland and working in the Arts sector. I’m currently looking into doing an online Project Management course and I’m wondering if you would recommend a particular model for managing projects in the Arts. I’ve heard the Logical framework is frequently used, do you know of any others?

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